(To be filled in and uploaded as deliverable in the Portal Grant Management System, at the due date foreseen in the system.
Please provide one sheet per event (one event = one workpackage = one lump sum).)
Participant: |
PIC number: |
938647564 |
Project name and acronym: |
„Zöld egyetértés Európában” KÖRNYEZETBARÁT Városok XV. Találkozója “Green Consensus in Europe” XV Meeting of ENVIRONMENTALLY BACKED CITIES – ZOLDEU |
Event number: |
WP1 |
Event name: |
Type: |
Kiállítás, utazás vonattal, előadások, bemutatók, vita Exhibition, train travel, lectures, presentations, debate |
In situ/online: |
in-situ |
Location: |
Date(s): |
09/09/2022 – 11/09/2022 |
Website(s) (if any): |
https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/ |
Participants |
Female: |
130 |
Male: |
130 |
Non-binary: |
0 |
From country 1 [Vinica SK]: |
60 |
From country 1 SlovDarmoty SK: |
11 |
From country 2 Balassagyarmat HU : |
189 |
Total number of participants: |
260 |
From total number of countries: 4 |
Description Provide a short description of the event and its activities. |
Location/Date: the meeting was held in BALASSAGYARMAT, Hungary HU, 01/07/2022-03/07/2022 Participants. “ALL THE WAY FORWARD” – TEST TRAVELLING TO A GREATER EUROPE – included exhibition, train travel, lectures, presentations, debates. The event, which took place from 01/07/2022 to 03/07/2022, was targeted at: 2 countries (SK, HU) 260 direct participants, of which 71 invited participants Target groups: 0-29 – 110 people, 30-65 – 100 people, 65+ – 50 people (estimate) * Ipolynyék/Vinica (SK) 60 persons * Dej (RO), Heimenkirch (DE) and Szlovákgyarmat (SK) 11 persons; * Balassagyarmat (HU) 189 personsA rendezvény napirendje : Railways connect people, regions and businesses across Europe and are part of our European heritage and culture. Our meeting was therefore held during the 12th edition of the Model Railway Exhibition in our city, in an unusual – but absolutely fitting – way. 1. Day 1 : 09/09/2022 – Let’s model a greener and more sustainable Europe together/ – The opening day of the XIIth Model Railways Exhibition and Twinning Meeting saw the start of a major programme of events for all ages in the city. The theme of the three-day event was created to promote travel by train and environmental awareness. The XIIth Model Railway Exhibition was open to the public for three days. 2. Day 2: On 10/09/2022, the previous day’s Let’s model a greener and more sustainable Europe together continued with a full-day conference involving civil society to answer questions such as “Where is Europe’s rail network heading? What are the future opportunities for rail as a mode of passenger and freight transport? 3. nap : 11/09/2022 – On the final day of the Twinning Meeting we made a joint visit to Ipolytarnóc by train. At the final discussion forum we sought answers to questions such as. How can we achieve the objectives we have set so far? The final technical forum was devoted to the implementation of cross-border development plans, the development of environmental infrastructure, the protection of environmental assets and the provision of information to the general public. The three-day technical programme concluded with a synthesis of experiences and common objectives. Dissemination activities: The dissemination of our project and the results of our cooperation at European level was ensured by our partners. The Dissemination – on social media – local, regional media, – project film of the event, – a twinning website. Citizens from different countries of the European Union, different cultures have enriched our cooperation. Our municipalities have social media platforms, websites, local newspapers, and thanks to their network of contacts we have been able to involve media actors with a wider reach in the wide dissemination of the project results. By focusing on sustainable, greener development, but also on engaging in shaping a shared future, we have communicated our natural values and a strong European desire for climate protection and natural values, both during the preparation and implementation phases. Through our dissemination activities for the event, we were able to involve around 5,000 indirect participants in the project. 2,500 people visited in person one of the events of the XIIth Model Railway Exhibition and Twinning. Balassagyarmat City website: https://balassagyarmat.hu/ Click on the programme logo on the main page to start the project report https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/
Social media (Mayor Gábor Csach, Balassagyarmat Town Hall)
Other media (Nógrád Megyei Hírlap online – nool.hu, Gyarmati Hírek) https://gyarmatihirek.hu/2022/09/13/asztalok-kozott-zakatolt-a-vonat/
Outputs : Film : https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/ Photo documentation: https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/ |
1.0 |
01.04.2022 |
Initial version (new MFF). |
(To be filled in and uploaded as deliverable in the Portal Grant Management System, at the due date foreseen in the system.
Please provide one sheet per event (one event = one workpackage = one lump sum).)
Participant: |
PIC number: |
938647564 |
Project name and acronym: |
„Zöld egyetértés Európában” KÖRNYEZETBARÁT Városok XV. Találkozója “Green Consensus in Europe” XV Meeting of ENVIRONMENTALLY BACKED CITIES – ZOLDEU |
Event number: |
WP2 (101053705 (ZOLDEU) – CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT) |
Event name: |
„Zöld egyetértés Európában” KÖRNYEZETBARÁT Városok Találkozója “Green Consensus in Europe” Meeting of ENVIRONMENTALLY BACKED CITIES |
Type: |
In situ/online: |
in-situ |
Location: |
Date(s): |
01/07/2022-03/07/2022 |
Website(s) (if any): |
„Polgárok, egyenlőség, jogok és értékek program (CERV)” |
Participants |
Female: |
250 |
Male: |
250 |
Non-binary: |
0 |
From country 1 [Slovenské Darmoty SK]: |
60 |
From country 2 [Dej RO]: |
60 |
From country 3 [Heimenkirch GE]: |
7 |
From country 4 Ostroleka PL: |
7 |
From country 5 Belluno IT: |
6 |
From country 6 Balassagyarmat HU : |
360 |
Total number of participants: |
500 |
From total number of countries: |
6 |
Description Provide a short description of the event and its activities. |
WP2 “Green Deal Europe” Green Cities Meeting
Location/Date: the meeting was held in BALASSAGYARMAT, Hungary HU, between 01/07/2022-03/07/2022 Participants. Green Consensus Europe” Green Cities Meeting – included exhibition, train travel, lectures, presentations, debates. The event took place between 01/07/2022 – 03/07/2022 and was targeted at: 6 countries (SK, DE, PL, IT, RO, HU) participated. The event took place in the city of BALASSAGYARMAT. 500 direct participants, of which 140 invited participants Target groups: 0-29 – 300 people, 30-65 – 150 people, 65+ – 50 people (estimate) * Slovenský Darmoty (SK) 60 persons * Dés/Dej (RO) 60 persons * Heimenkirch (DE) 7 persons * Ostroleka (PL) 7 persons * Belluno (I) 6 persons * Balassagyarmat (HU) 360 persons Agenda of the event: 1. nap : 01/07/2022 – On the opening day of the twinning meeting, a citizens’ forum on Sustainable Urban Development was held, where environmental sustainability, alternative transport options and the use of renewable energy were discussed. The problems and objectives specific to the region were jointly formulated with the delegation. Members of the delegations from the twin towns and cities gave interactive presentations on trends in their respective areas, with interesting examples of sustainable development. 2. nap: 02/07/2022 – As part of Sustainable Settlement Development, local small-scale producers were presented as living and working micro-farms, important local representatives of environmental sustainability and ecological security. The subsequent brainstorming session continued the previous day’s discussion topics, with prominent local experts and activists. The delegations presented their projects, with specific reference to local sustainability formulas. 3. nap : 03/07/2022 – In the framework of the Sustainable Urban Development, the twinning delegation visited the Nyírjes Wildlife Garden and Wildlife Park, and then held a joint meeting to present “good examples” and new initiatives in the region. The meeting was accompanied by a high quality Arts Festival programme. Dissemination activities: The dissemination of our project and the results of our cooperation at European level was ensured by our partners. The Dissemination – on social media – Local, regional and national media, – project film of the event, – a twinning website. Citizens from different countries of the European Union, different cultures have enriched our cooperation. Our municipalities have social media platforms, websites, local newspapers, and thanks to their network of contacts we have been able to involve media actors with a wider reach in the wide dissemination of the project results. By focusing on sustainable, greener development, but with the aim of engaging in shaping our common future, we have communicated the need for intercultural dialogue, the need for a strong European commitment to democracy, freedoms, culture and our natural values, as well as to climate protection and natural values, both during the preparation and implementation phases. Our project has been characterised by the strengthening of trust between citizens and the European Union’s institutions and decision-makers. At a time of Euroscepticism, this innovative approach (let us, together, shape the future of Europe) has hopefully been well received. Through our dissemination activities for the event, we were able to involve around 5,000 indirect participants in the project. 2,500 people attended in person one of the Twinning events. https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/
Social media (Latte Maffiato band, Mayor Gábor Csach, Balassagyarmat Town Hall)
Other media (Nógrád Megyei Hírlap online – nool.hu, Gyarmati Hírek) https://gyarmatihirek.hu/2022/06/30/zenel-a-foter/
Outputs: Film : https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/ Fotódokumentáció : https://balassagyarmat.hu/polgarok-egyenloseg-jogok-es-ertekek-program-cerv/
1.0 |
01.04.2022 |
Initial version (new MFF). |
2021-2027 program Testvérvárosi kapcsolatok kialakítása
A projekt címe: „Zöld egyetértés Európában” Környezetbarát Városok XV. Találkozója
A projekt azonosító száma: 101053705 – ZOLDEU
A projekt kedvezményezettje: Balassagyarmat Város Önkormányzata
A szerződött támogatás összege: 30.000 EURO
A támogatás mértéke: 100 %
Balassagyarmat testvérvárosai 2022. évi testvérvárosi programjainak általános célja diskurzus azokról az – Európai Bizottság új stratégiájában nevesített – aktuális EU politikákról, melyek befolyásolják polgáraink életét, ezért nagyon fontos, hogy beleszólhassanak az érintettek a döntésekbe. Kifejezett szándékunk ezért továbbítani véleményünket a Bizottsághoz még a találkozó idején.
2022.07.01-03. „Zöld egyetértés Európában” három-napos rendezvénysorozat
tanulmányi út Ipolytarnócra,
Nemzetközi Folklór fesztivál Balassagyarmaton testvértelepülési bemutatkozásokkal, fesztiválfilm készítésével, étkezéssel
energiahatékonysági tapasztalatcsere program előadással, film- és powerpoint bemutatókkal
2022.09.09-11. „Teljes gőzzel előre” háromnapos vasútmodell kiállítás Balassagyarmaton és kísérőrendezvényei
játék és kézműves foglalkozás óvodásoknak
szakmai fórum civilek közreműködésével
vezetett túra a balassagyarmati vasútállomásra
utazás (vasút) Balassagyarmat-Szokolya viszonylatban, előadásokkal
előadássorozat és civil vita
2022.07.1-3 fotók